
Clash of Clans: CLAN WARS Strategies | Who to Attack and How!

2014-05-04 2 Dailymotion

This is MY first foray into Clash of Clans: Clan Wars so I share my opinion of how we should approach attacking and discuss some replays of some effective attacks. I REALLY need to get some practice attacking for Clan Wars which I will definitely be doing over the next couple weeks!

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We're currently BEASTING our way through Townhall 8 in Clash of Clans and have some AWESOME tips and tactics in this playlist:

Boom Beach Let's Play Playlist: Watch as we play through Boom Beach from the very beginning, adapting our base designs and attack strategies in real-time:

Want to beat ALL of the Clash of Clans Single Player bases using the SMALLEST armies and reaping the GREATEST rewards? Check out our Playlist:

We also have playlists for Boom Beach Base Attack Strategies for Hammerman's HQ's and Dr. Terror's Stages of Terror HQ's:
Hammerman: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlWGh1t38ClSiXSdDV8R6LAlnnIFYVAiY
Dr. Terror: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlWGh1t38ClQtbxmbaHGQr8idCwdKwBVk


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